Super Mega 50 Cijena Akcija

Super Mega 50

Senior Formula (90 tableta)

Multivitamin za starije

Proizvođač: CaliVita International
Kategorije: Multivitamini
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Članska cijena: 43,00 KM
Cijena: 53,75 KM
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Multivitamin preparation especially for those above 50 years. It contains vitamins, trace elements and minerals in proportion ideal for easing the problems accompanying aging, enhancing general wellness, and in slowing down the aging process. In chelated form, of effective absorption.


With the advancing of age, the body's vitamin requirements change. Unbalanced diet, incomplete absorption and different illnesses often lead to state of deficiency. Consequently certain complaints occur, as exhaustion, lack of appetite, weakness and fatigability. The body's vitamin and mineral requirements are further increased by certain diseases and operations. Above the age of 50 the body's resistance weakens, whereby the occurrence of colds and flu grows. Metabolism is no longer complete, digestive problems often present themselves, e.g. diarrhea, inflammatory problems of the intestines, heartburn, etc. Type II diabetes often develop with the large part of the elderly, whose treatment involves a rigorous diet. The state of deficiency is further aggravated by the routine ingestion of drugs, without which a senior's life would be hard to imagine. For that very reason, the supplementation with vitamins and minerals is needed to a grater extent to preserve health and to ameliorate the quality of life. Besides vitamins and minerals, dietary supplements of natural origin like gingko biloba (maidenhair tree) may also contribute to a better health profile. This special antioxidant improves memory, stimulates brain functions, has a beneficial effect in case of depression, anxiety and migraine. It also enhances peripheral blood circulation and the brain's blood supply. It prevents platelet aggregation, thus the formation of blood clots. It may normalize blood pressure, which is of paramount importance at elderly age.

Health without age limit.

• Novi savremeni multivitamini u paleti proizvoda CaliVite • Otkucaji biološkog sata u našim genima i istorija predivnog drveta djevojačke kose


Ukoliko ljekar drugačije ne odredi, 3x1 tableta dnevno

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